I don’t want to show all page numbers

I created CSS classes so you can select which page numbers you like to show.

The classes are:
.ttbackpage { } = For the back link
.ttlessthan5 { } = For all item numbers 5 below the current page (if current page is 45 for instance this class is for pages 1 to 40)
.ttinbetween { } = This is for the 5 pages below and the 5 pages above current page (if current page is 4 5for instance this class is for pages 40 – 44 and 46 – 50)
.ttmorethan5 { } For all item numbers 5 above the current page (if current page is 45 for instance this class is for pages 51 to infinity)
.ttnextpage { } = For the next link

You can use this classes in your CSS. This for instance:

.ttbackpage { }
.ttlessthan5 { display:none; }
.ttinbetween { }
.ttmorethan5 { display: none; }
.ttnextpage { }

Would show a back and next link. And the 5 page numbers surrounding the current page.