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Topic: Copy settings from store
Posts: 20
Copy settings from store
on: November 27, 2014, 07:10


I think it would be a very usefull feature to be able to copy the settings of stores and use them to create a new store. Actually I have a store with a really large amount of categories (IE an 'all' store with sports supplements from 8 different webshops) which required me to manually click about 100 categories. Now as the plugin doesn't offer the ability to let the visitor change the sort order I thought I could work around this problem by creating a dropdown menu including pages with the same store 5 times but sorted in different orders (random, price asc, price desc, name asc, name desc).

Now since this function to copy settings isn't there yet I'm forced to manually click all the categories again. And over and over and over to create all the stores I want. To avoid that painstaking task I've been looking in the plugins files on FTP to see if I can just copy an existing store there, but somehow I can't find where the created stores are stored. Haven't checked the database though.

Any ideas on this one?

Thanks in advance

Posts: 326
Re: Copy settings from store
on: November 27, 2014, 23:00

Hi PB,

I think version 4.5.59 of the plugin will make you happy 🙂


Posts: 20
Re: Copy settings from store
on: December 2, 2014, 14:32

YES! Je bent een held, eerlijk waar! Straks dan maar even je premium plugin aanschaffen, daisycon heeft ook nog e.e.a. in de hoge hoed wat nu eenvoudig toegevoegd kan worden 🙂

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