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Topic: Show your own information
Posts: 326
Show your own information
on: November 1, 2013, 05:28

Ok I made an extra function which you can all use to add extra information to an item. You can create the function in your template function.php and the plugin will be able to use it.

IMPORTANT: You will need PHP skills/MYSQL skills to make stuff on your own. If you do stuff wrong your site might stop working.


Do you have an example?:

This is how you create the function in your functions.php

function ttextraquery($itemnumber, $storename) {


So if you want to show a text beneath every item you add this to your function.php from your own template:

function ttextraquery($itemnumber, $storename) {

return "<div class=\"".$storename."-text\">this is a text</div>";

Always use return for the text and never echo.

Can I request things?

You can request things here but please keep in mind that most people here want to make money. So if you want them to create something for your website, most likely they want you to pay a fair exchange for it. Some would like money for it and others can like other favors in return. Always make sure you set the expectations before you do something.

Can I show of what I made?

If you made something yourself you can always share it below and if you want to even show it off by posting a link to your website.

What does the $itemnumber and $storename variable contain?

The $itemnumber contains the itemnumber from the specific item. This can be usefull if you want to do sql queries for that item number. For instance if you want to get details from the extra table and show those.

The #storename can be used to make store specific css classes. You don't have to use it but it is usefull if you gave your stores different layouts.

I don't know anything about PHP/MYSQL, what now?

Best thing is to get someone to make something for you. But remember the "Can I request things?" rule.

I have another question

Well ask away 🙂

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