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Topic: Hide product description in general screen when using Product Page addon
Posts: 20
Hide product description in general screen when using Product Page addon
on: January 6, 2015, 23:06

Title might sound a bit confusing. What I mean is that it should be possible to hide

the description field in store setup for users who have the Product Page addon. The way it is now the

general store screen shows a picture, price, button and description with a scroll bar. Now when the customer clicks 'product page' he gets to see exactly the same information again, in a bigger window, which doesn't really give a professional vibe. Also this way the product page has little extra value. (except for removing the need to scroll in the tiny description window otherwise).

Now I understand that it's not possible to block the description from the XML feed but at the same time show it on the product page, but perhaps you can implement this in the layout section? Make it possible to hide/disable the description block in the store layout so that the visitor can only see the products image, name and price, but has to open the product page to read the full description. That way it really creates the feeling of an authentic webshop.

Posts: 20
Re: Hide product description in general screen when using Product Page addon
on: January 6, 2015, 23:31

Perhaps it's also possible to position name and price under the image? Or make that optional in layout. Like this:

Posts: 326
Re: Hide product description in general screen when using Product Page addon
on: January 7, 2015, 07:29

You can easily do it with CSS adjustments. You can add the below adjustments to the style.css of your own template. So not in the plugin itself but under Appearance > Editor

If you want it for all your stores:

.store-description {
Display: none;
.store-outerbox {
min-height: 280px !important;
.store-footer {
min-height: 50px !important;

If you want it for a specific store:

.[storename]store-description {
Display: none;
.[storename]store-outerbox {
min-height: 280px !important;
.[storename]store-footer {
min-height: 50px !important;

replace [storename] with the name of your store.

Posts: 20
Re: Hide product description in general screen when using Product Page addon
on: December 4, 2015, 18:50

Nieuwe layout vraag, dit krijg ik niet voor elkaar. Ik wil de image verkleinen (150×115) en image, description en prijs en koopbutton náást elkaar zetten ipv onder elkaar. Ben al een uurtje of 4 ermee bezig dus ik vraag het hier maar even 😉

Zo moet het er ongeveer uit komen te zien:

Producten onder elkaar, totale 'regel' 600px breed.

Super bedankt alvast.

Posts: 2
Re: Hide product description in general screen when using Product Page addon
on: November 11, 2016, 13:02

Hoi @PB

Heb je gemaakt met deze wpaffiliatefeed plugin ?

Ik vroeg me af hoe je de vergelijk functionaliteit hebt gemaakt.

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